Friday, March 14, 2014

This last one's for you, URBAN GURU!!!!!

                                    FOR YOU!!!
 OLLO blog readers... Sadly, this will be our last post with TheUrbanGuru. So this is meant for him!!!! This last one's for you, URBANGURU!!!!!! 

     But before we give our message to him,  we have some confessions to make. First of all, this entire blog was our science project and UrbanGuru is our science teacher. This project is called "The Blogging Project 3.0". What is it? It serves as an assessment of our learning, this Creative Expansive Output (CEO) was given to us as a challenge to effectively express what we have learned in our science class through a collaborative online science journal, or otherwise known as a blog.

     In this blog post we are trying to merge all the styles we have used to create our other blog posts. Also, in this  blog post, we will be sharing our reflections about our science project specifically:
  • How did you prepare for it?
  • Did you encounter any problem/s as you prepare for the said project?  If yes, how did you resolve those problems?  If none, what made it easy for you to prepare for it?
  • Given the chance to do this CEO all over again, would you still do it?  Why or why not?
  • How do you think this CEO can be further improved?
  • Will you change anything regarding how this CEO was handled?  If yes, what would that be?  If none, why not?
  • What is the most important lesson that you learned from this CEO?

Reflecetions of LegoMasterBuilder:
    I prepared myself by checking out videos and instructions from various internet sites such as "". However, we didn't completely finish this blog without facing any problems and challenges along the way. As a matter of fact, we somehow had a hard time communicating with each other due to various reasons. These include, lack of knowing each others email account, inability to chat through social media (since one of our members doesn't have one yet) and different times of being online of each member (like I would be online at 7:00 pm while the other at 10:00 am). Furthermore, if we were able to solve this problem immediately, our blog posts could have come out much more credible, clearer, accurate and on time. Lastly, I got to solve this problem by saving my group mate's cellphone numbers. In this way, we got to communicate through text messages and calls.

    Even though this our last blog post, I would do the blog once more, if I were given another chance to make it.  This means that I could improve greatly by giving blog posts earlier than before. Moreover, I can improve by communicating with my group mates in a much more advanced time. 

    Nevertheless, I learned that group/team effort is important in order to finish something like this. Furthermore, without God's grace and guidance, I wouldn't be able to express my opinions briefly and accurately. I'll leave this blog with the quote " In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:6)

Reflections of EnviroLeaper:
                                                                                                           I CRAM EVERYTHING!!!
    For this CEO, I prepared myself by staying online 'til like 12 am waiting for their (my groupmates) answers, or maybe editing stuff for the blog, or making the blog post, or possibly cramming my answer. I also prepared by researching about each and every topic to make our post informative and also by surfing the net for cool and creative pictures to place in the blog post. However, this project wasn't as easy as I thought it would be since we faced a lot of problems especially in contacting AnimatinGirl. If we are not able to contact someone, we or I (in some cases) come up with the most possible answer that they would say. Also, there was this problem that I couldn't contact anyone and I ended up cramming each and every answer. Oh  yeah... CRAMMING was a major problem in this group. We crammed every single post except for this one (sorry about that UrbanGuru but I think we came up with some good results :]).

     If I were given another chance to repeat all this, I would but not alone since I'm not that good with HTML (LegoMasterBuilder started the blog). I would do it again because it was fun and it was very easy to express my opinions. However, I would change the way I did the blog posts by doing it earlier and to do it more carefully. Also, I'll try to do it in a more creative, humorous, and very informative way.

     Because of this project, I learned that team work is very important and how God is very helpful in times of need. Team work is very important because we wouldn't have finish this without each other and how God is helpful especially at times of needs because during my many problems doing this blog, I approached Him in prayer and everything turned out just right. :D

Reflections of AnimatinGirl:
              GRUMPY CAT'S WATCHING YOU!!!
    Since I am not able to do work on the net, I prepare by answering early and researching on the topic. I do this earlier so that I can give my answer to EnviroLeaper or LegoMasterBuilder. But it didn't really go as planned, I apologize to my friends that I sometimes have been submitting incomplete answers or maybe no answer. That was my problem... I was not able to solve my own problem and I feel guilty. It was my friends who have saved me from the wrath of having an incomplete post. I am not aware of the problems they had on the internet so that was my only problem... And it was a big one. :(

    If I were given another chance in this project, I would take it but it's impossible for me to do it alone. I NEED HELP! But there are ways for me to do a better job such as submitting my answers COMPLETE and on time so that my group mates won't have to struggle in inventing an answer. I think it can be improved by us being more expressive and having less typo graphical errors. I wouldn't change the way this CEO was handled because we came up with good answers and also because I have no idea what my group mates have been through in doing the blog on the net.

    The most important lesson I learned here was to stop the cramming because it was what led my group mates to sleeping very late and to not be able to be as jolly as they usually are at school the day after the night of the blog post. SO I NEED TO STOP CRAMMING. P.S. I'm trying my best not to...

Reflections of PlausibleRorschach:
     Hello again bloggers. My name is ThePlausibleRorschach. I'm back again for the last blog post for this beloved LEAP League Blog =(. But before I say goodbye, how 'bout I talk about this blogging thing, and how it came to be. So, first of all, Our boss, The Urban Guru, told us all about our blog CEO (Creative Expansion Output) or our science project. So he taught us ALL about blogging. And the story continues...

         So this is how we start it. So, when The Urban Guru gives us an assignment about the blog, my team and I prepare for the answers; And on the due day, we sum it up all together and someone will correct our grammatical errors and other errors, and then someone will creatively edit it with pictures and colors.   
                                                                                                                         Obama's MAD   
          Of course, everyone encounters problems; EVEN BLOGS!!! Sometimes, someone hasn't given us yet their answers and the clock is running out, so we either, save their lives by making their answers for them and/or, we tell our boss that he/she isn't doing his/her job properly!

    This CEO doesn't that much improvement. It Just needs to have more post assignments and it has to have a length of on WHOLE school year... I won't have to change how this CEO was handled because I think it already is handled properly.

       I think the most important lesson I learned during the whole Blog experience was team work. Why? Because, without team work, we wouldn't have proper posts, our blog's template and layout will be a mess, late submissions, name it all!!! So yeah, this was the most important lesson I learned.  


Dear UrbanGuru,

     Thanks for being such a cool boss to us LEAPers. We hope that you will be able to handle the next generation of bloggers and that you'll never forget ours. We made this post because you told us to do so and, more importantly, to give our message to you and to show our love for you.  So we hope that you read them well and are able to receive our message. So here they are...

"I thank the Lord for having you as my science teacher and also a one of a kind teacher. You have showered me with your knowledge of SCIENCE and I pray that you will be able to continue to do this to others. Thanks for being so cool and for doing your best in teaching our batch. I hope that you will never forget us as we will never forget you, the greatest Science teacher in the WORLD!"  from LegoMasterBuilder

"You've been such a cool science teacher to us and I'm super duper lucky to be in your class and be one of your many students whom you've made laugh. You've brought laughter to our class in times unexpected and you've taught us so many things in so many funny and cool ways. I enjoy how intelligent, fun-loving, thoughtful, funny, and chill you are. I hope that you will continue to be a cool teacher 'cause that's the kind of teachers I love and also I hope that you continue to seek God in your life. I pray that God will continue to bless you. And keep being who you are because it's awesome! P.S. 'Cher can I still do blog posts in this blog? P.P.S. When you're having a hard time being the best at teaching remember this: 'I wanna be the very best, that no one ever was...' from the Pokemon theme song to cheer you up and encourage you! " <3 EnviroLeaper

"Thank you for teaching us so many things and for giving us cool quizzes... Well to be honest, it's not the quiz or test that's cool, it's the cool bonuses that you put... I laugh!!! Continue to be UrbanGuru because 'you're amazing, just the way you are' -Bruno Mars. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS!!!" -AnimatinGirl

"You've been so awesome and you've been teaching us lessons in the most awesome way possible. Wish I could have you as my teacher until I graduate from college because your way is the best way and also because it's impossible to find a teacher like you. And 'cher... 'don't let those sour moments turn your smile into a frown' - Avatar: The Last Airbender series. May the Lord continue to shower you with blessings and may He guide you through this long road known as LIFE." said by PlausibleRorschach

Enjoy the rest of your life 'cher! We LOVE you!!!
                                                          WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH...

Your students,
LEAP League

Sunday, March 9, 2014


LEAP League says...                                                                                                                                          

    Hello there blog readers! Just gonna give you guys a progress report... So we're on our 5th post. Also, LEAP League has had 2 field assignments given by our boss, The Urban Guru. But since this is the second to the last post for our business with the Urban Guru, we would like to do it differently...

    Let's discuss more on our 5th post... We were told to fast forward to the future and use our... (Wait for it) ... IMAGINATION to think that we had just been elected as the country's president (How cool, dangerous, hard, and surprising is that?)! But this post isn't about what we're gonna do to this country... It's about NUCLEAR ENERGY and the PAWIKAN raise and also probably other animals. So rewind to our two previous field assignments, we discussed the importance of the Pawikan and the importance of Nuclear Energy. And in this post we,as president of the country, are supposed to solve a power crisis who's only solution is to open the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. The entire league knows that the Pawikan Conservation Center is not that for from the power plant! So if we decide to open the plant, it will largely affect the population of sea turtles. So the big question here is TO OPEN or NOT TO OPEN? So enjoy our little made-up story!


    It all started when LEAP League got an urgent message from the president of the Philippines it says:
      Unfortunately, the entire country is suffering from power crisis since global prices of oil plummeted to a level no one can ever imagine. The only solution that can resolve the power crisis is opening the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) that had been mothballed already for the past 30 years. Knowing that BNPP is just an 8-minute ride from the 7 km-long Morong Beach which is the nesting place of the endangered marine turtles, should I still allow the opening of the BNNP? So I am asking you for help! Just pretend that you're in my position and your decision will affect the entire country! I have sent someone to record your answers.

The President of the Philippines

    The messenger asked us some questions which were:
1. Will you allow the opening of BNPP? Justify your answer.
2.  What are the pros and cons of opening BNPP to all stakeholders?

    When the messenger finished he wrote back to the president

Dear Mr. President,

      Good day! I have finished interviewing the LEAPers individually and none of them know each other's answer. This letter contains all their answers and reflections. Hope you solve your problem!

     "Opening the BNPP? AYAW KO!!! First of all, I said before that  I am not in favor of harnessing power from nuclear energy; since, it has more potential harm if ever earthquakes, typhoons or other natural calamities hit the area of the power plant. But to think of it as a good thing, it can help us develop our country economically and technologically. Its 623 MW electrical capacity could have provided at least 10% of the present power requirements for the Luzon grid. With a well developed technological sector, the Pawikan Conservation Center may have an easier time in breeding and handling sea turtles. But with a well-developed technological sector it will also be easier to catch and kill these beautiful and many others of God's creation. The decision is yours Mr. President, you just have my answer: NO!" - LegoMasterBuilder                                                                                                                                                                                                 DEATH IN THE ENERGY!                          
     "I wouldn't open up the BNNP, if I were the president. Even if it is the only way to solve a power crisis! I would rather let my people suffer loss of energy than kill millions of God's creations! They (animals) are helpless and now we're just gonna kill them to solve an energy crisis? I don't think so. Even it if will solve our problem, it will just create another! So maybe it can help us develop but think about God's creation, think about the other animals what will happen to them. They could get affected by the energy released by the power plant. Also maybe it was well constructed but it's been idle for 30 years! It was shut down by another president before us! And finally what will happen if the plant has an accident? The Philippines will suffer the energy crisis again! I give this piece of advise Mr. President, don't open the power plant."- EnviroLeaper
     "To solve the country's problem as president? I would open the BNPP even if I'm against harnessing the power of nuclear power plants. Besides, I just read that BNPP can be able to provide safe, CLEAN, reliable and cheap energy, while at the same time steering the nation towards economic and technological advancement. Meaning, it's also safe for animals. However like I said before, it's too big a risk! What if we fail to produce good energy? But anyway, I would never give my country nothing and to let them suffer. So if I were you Mr. President, I would open it." - AnimatinGirl
                  REMEMBER THIS?  
     "Ain't no way I'm doing that! Mr. President, the BNPP poses a threat to animals. However, on our journey to the BNPP, we were told that it is safe to use and that it can be well managed. They are very careful in handling the power plant to prevent accidents from happening, they'll double their carefulness if they open the plant. It is considered to be one among the robustly-built nuclear power station in the world, and more advance in design and younger than more than half of the operating nuclear power plants in the United States of America, the BNPP was designed to withstand the highest postulated earthquake in the Luzon island at ground acceleration value of 0.4G or Intensity 8 in the Richter Scale. And for animals... well I can't really think of benefits for the animals. But you get what happens if we open the plant. But I still wouldn't open it. Why? Because animals will be affected by the radiation released by the power plant. Also the Pawikan Conservation Center is not that far! What will happen to the sea turtles!?!?  Mr. President, please don't open the plant..."- PlausibleRorschach

The Messenger

     So that's the end of our made-up story. Catch us 'til our next post and hope you've learned something from all this. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK or something... :D :D :D :D.

P.S. We are not trying to predict the future...
