Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pawikan Résumé

I'm Lepidochelys Olivacea!
Olive Ridley Turtle

you can also call me, Lepidochelys Olivacea!

"help me save my one and only workplace; the Earth!"

Why am i worthy of working here? 

          I am important in this workplace (Earth) since I maintain the balance of the ecosystem and contribute economically. To further prove my point, here are the reasons why:

  • We are the predators of jellyfish; we help in the prevention of large “blooms” of jellyfish (including stinging jellyfish) that are ruining recreation, fisheries, and other maritime activities throughout the oceans.
  • Our species of Olive Ridley sea turtles and many other organisms, are tourist magnets. We serve as a major source of income in many countries.
  • Research has shown that we often act as keystone species. Sea grass beds grazed by green sea turtles (my cousin) are more productive than those that aren’t. Hawksbill turtles (our family's best friend) eat sponges, preventing them from out-competing slow-growing corals. Both of these grazing activities maintain species diversity and the natural balance of fragile marine ecosystems.
  • Dune plants use the nutrients from turtle eggs to grow and become stronger. As the dune vegetation grows stronger and healthier, the health of the entire beach/dune ecosystem becomes better. Healthy vegetation and strong root systems hold the sand in the dunes and protect the beach from erosion.
  • We have also been demoralised for food, bait, oil, leather, and fertilizer. To add to that, even if the meat from us aren't really considered as a delicacy, many people still capture and exploit us. 
  • We feed on invertebrates and may play important roles in both open ocean and coastal ecosystems.
     To sum it up, the big question here is: “Am I worth saving?” If I am not that important, then why save us? Everything in the universe is important; thus, God created us with significance.
So the question, “Are marine turtles (my species) worth saving?”, is answerable with a yes. 
Help Me!

I need help! Global Warming is a big problem!

          It is the unequivocal and continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's climate system. This can be due to the greenhouse gases, aerosol sprays, other chemicals, and also pollution that are affecting and making the ozone layer thinner and which later on causes it to rupture. It is something that can affect everyone and everything. It is GLOBAL WARMING! As mentioned, it is the unequivocal and continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's climate system; However,  how does it connect to our species? Global warming affects all animals. But in this post, the effects of global warming on marine turtles will be explained. So, the effects of global warming on marine turtles are:

  • Rising sea level due to melting of ice causes the loss of beaches which are our nesting grounds.
  • Warming ocean temperature influence migratory species by altering currents
  • Reduce in the population of the marine turtles; since, temperature is an important factor of identifying the sex of the offspring. It means that if there is an imbalance with male and female species, it will be a cause of lack of reproduction in our kind.
  • I use ocean currents to travel and find prey. Warming ocean temperatures influence migratory species by altering currents and impacting the distribution and abundance of prey species. 
          In conclusion, global warming is a problem. It can help contribute to the extinction 
of marine turtles.

With this Job, you can help me with my problem!

3 R's
          You can help me conserve my species by making beaches/coastlines cleaner so that it won’t affect our health and hatchlings. However, it’s not only sand that need to be cleaned. You can also help in the cleaning of the bodies of water so that marine turtles (like us!) and other aquatic species can stay healthy and live in a clean habitat. Moreover, You can try to encourage people not to buy products made from us so that these vendors will stop catching and killing us. Now you too can save the marine turtles! Furthermore, by participating and/or volunteering in programs concerning the welfare of our species, it will surely help us live longer; In addition, you can help me by using your Social Network by signing petitions to stop occasions that can really harm us!!! Keep in mind, "one piece of trash disposed in the right place and/or picked up in the beach is equivalent to one marine turtle saved."

Like me on Facebook![Image Source]

External Sources:


The animal being endorsed here is not an affiliate of any sort with Olive Trees, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, nor Jaime Oliver. As well as, Olive Oyl, nor Olivia from the "Olivia, Will you marry me?" signs. No animals were harmed in the making of this résumé. Copyright 2014


TinCan said...
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OliveRidleyQueen said...

YO! WASSUP, LEAP League! Here are your scores! God bless and hope all is well!:

Text Layout:5/5
Graphics & Media:5/5
Intellectual Honesty:5/5


Strong points:
You gave lots of good information. Grammar and spelling were generally correct.
Overall, the writing was good!

Points for improvement:
Colors used were a bit too strong; they put a strain on the eyes.
A diagram of global warming and its effects could have been helpful. Also, there was an error on punctuation.

Keep up the good work!


The Eco Spot (Lauan Group 1)

urbanguru said...

Here is your score:

Content - 10/10
Coherence - 5/5
Creativity - 5/5
Voice - 4/5
Mechanics - 4/5
Text Layout - 5/5
Graphics & Multimedia - 5/5
Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
Comments - 10/10
Peer - 41/45

TOTAL: 94/100

I was very much entertained! Well done! Unfortunately, you missed to write properly the scientific name of Olive-Ridley turtle. How do you right scientific names again?

And LOL. You got me in your disclaimer! Hahahaha! I just hope that you learn how to hyperlink so you dont have to list your references in the end.

Congratulations! You've just won Best Blog Post No. 3 by a point!

urbanguru said...

Here is your score:

Content - 10/10
Coherence - 5/5
Creativity - 5/5
Voice - 4/5
Mechanics - 4/5
Text Layout - 5/5
Graphics & Multimedia - 5/5
Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
Comments - 10/10
Peer - 41/45

TOTAL: 94/100

I was very much entertained! Well done! Unfortunately, you missed to write properly the scientific name of Olive-Ridley turtle. How do you right scientific names again?

And LOL. You got me in your disclaimer! Hahahaha! I just hope that you learn how to hyperlink so you dont have to list your references in the end.

Congratulations! You've just won Best Blog Post No. 3 by a point!