Monday, February 17, 2014

About Us

LEAPers in Action

          We are the 6th Graders of The Learning Tree Child Growth Center. The name LEAP League originated from the combined names of the Heroes: LegoMasterBuilder, EnviroLeaper, AnimatinGirl, and PlausibleRorschachII

Message from LegoMasterBuilder:

          "If building's the game, just call my name!"

          I'm LegoMasterBuilder, a LEAPer that helped in releasing Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), in the discovery of the secrets of the BNPP and a "Thermo Sci-Dama" challenger. I am also a blogger, somehow a web designer and a student of The Learning Tree Child Growth Center. However, before I continue, I need to tell you a secret.       

           I made this blog, in order to inform people, (like you!) with current happenings concerning the Sea Turtles (locally known as "Pawikan"), BNPP and even the 2014 Science week. Moreover, it could also be used as a reference for researchers, teachers and even environmentalists to be aware and not be oblivious from current issues in the Philippines.

         Adding to what I usually say,"If rebuilding the environment is the game, just call my name!"

Message from EnviroLeaper:

          If you’re thinking about the real identity of EnviroLeaper, why don’t you ask her yourself? I am EnviroLeaper here to say that every super hero needs a secret identity. But even if my identity or my real name is confidential, it doesn't mean that I’m not allowed to tell you my likes, dislikes, and other things about me. Also, you may ask, why blog? Why can't I just tell people myself?

          So to start it off, I'll tell you my likes. So I like chocolate, ice cream (mango, strawberry, chocolate, shakes (mango), cookies and cream, rocky road, vanilla), DISNEY STUFF, the color blue, (LOVE) animals, candies, Math, English, some topics in Science, Minecraft, (LOVE) The Learning Tree, and a lot of other things that can possibly reveal my secret identity. Next are my dislikes. Hmmm... I don't like memorizing things, getting low grade, slow internet, (HATE) seeing animals being tortured or killed and auto correct.

           A few paragraphs ago, I mentioned that I'll answer the question "Why blog?" The answer is simple. Internet is used worldwide; so the best way I thought of was through blogging! It's easy to express your opinions and at the same time staying hidden so that no one can criticize you in person! Another reason why I did this was to inform people on the current happenings in the environment (which is why my name is EnviroLeaper). So catch on my next blog.

           And remember, with me the environment can leap to a better future.

Message from AnimatinGirl:
Hi! I'm AnimatinGirl! I'm a doodler, "Pawikan"- Lover and I like being surrounded by a circle of friends. 

I also like eating Fried Chicken and using the color blue in my doodles.

          Moreover, this blog is designed so that I can keep track of the activities that we did in Bataan and it's a way to inform others on the importance of nature. Also, with my talent and skills, I am more capable of expressing my opinions and stands on issues affecting nature through this Blog!

Message from PlausibleRorschachII:

          Hello Bloggers!! My name is PlausibleRorschachII! There is a lot of stuff about me, but generally i am two things: Active player and a musician. I love Music, in fact I play the piano, the ukelele, and the beat box; moreover, I'm an active sport player. Mostly you would see me play Basketball in the court of my school.

          So here are my likes and dislikes. My likes are shakes, especially mango and chocolate shakes and the others I already told you in the Intro. My dislike being embarrassed by people. Well that's all i can say, thanks for READING (If you are)!!!

          Oh wait! Before I go, I joined in this blogging project because it is like a diary that you can express to different people, at the same time, keeping you're identity hidden, like a mystery.


aEverr said...
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urbanguru said...

To The ErroneosErrorOfErrorness:

What is your proof for such claims? Part of how you are graded in this CEO is how you behave online. How can you accuse this group of cheating if you do not have any proof. You are awarded a 10-point demerit for such behavior.

urbanguru said...

Hello there LEAP League! Here is your score for your very first blog entry:

Content - 15/15
Coherence - 4/5
Creativity - 5/5
Voice - 4/5
Mechanics - 5/5
Text Layout - 5/5
Graphics & Multimedia - 5/5
Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
Late Submission - (-2 points)

TOTAL: 46/50

I'm happy to see that you were able to play around your blog; added images and the like. Although I think you linked the science fair's theme to something else. Your "leap calendar" is also not working on my end. Please check that too.

P.S. There is no such word as "pawikans"